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Please join our celebrations


We worship on Sundays at 10 am.

We encourage in-person worship. For those unable to participate in-person, the link to our YouTube channel is below.

What to expect:

  • We begin with words that focus, ground, and remind us that be belong to God.
  • We like music and like to sing.
  • Our worship consists of Word and Meal (communion). We are a liturgical church, which means worship is participatory and belongs to us all, it is not a performance by pastor or musicians. In this we are rooted in ancient practice and are connected to the church around the world.
  • We are a sacramental church. This means that we know that God is present in the sacraments of Baptism and the common meal we call Holy Communion. We share communion every Sunday and have an open table to which all are welcome.
  • We are a welcoming, multi-generational, and multi-ethnic community.
  • We are an inclusive church.
  • As you are welcome at worship, you are also welcome to become part of our community of faith.
  • We are wheelchair accessible.
  • Our Sunday worship lasts just over one hour.
  • We are on the East side of No 4 Road, just south of Westminster Highway.


When coming from Vancouver across the Oak Street Bridge: Exit at Shell Road.
When travelling on Hwy 99 northbound: Exit at Westminster Highway.

Sunday School:

Currently, we join with neighbouring churches for “Faith and Families” on the 4th Sunday of each month at 12 noon. This is a wonderful way for children and families of different Christian traditions to learn together.

We are planning for a resumption of Sunday School in the fall. Sunday School takes place in age appropriate groupings during the first half of worship, after which children and teachers rejoin the rest of us for Holy Communion.

Follow our YouTube channel to see all our sermons:

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View our latest sermon:

View Our Latest YouTube Video

The bulletin for 29 October 2023 (Reformation Sunday) can be downloaded here:

Reformation Sunday (29 October 2023)CLWR Gaza Humanitarian Appeal