Return to the Lord, your God,
We invite you to journey through the season of Lent with us. The word “Lent” comes from old English and means springtime, thus is a time of renewal and new life. The services between March 12 and April 9 we will share with our friends from United and Anglican churches. All services will be at Our Saviour (6340 Number 4 Road). They will also be streamed to YouTube for those unable to attend in person.
- March 5 (Ash Wednesday)
- March 12
- March 19
- March 26
- April 2
- April 9
- April 17 (Maundy or Holy Thursday)
All of the services listed above begin at 7 pm.
Arrive early to walk the Labyrinth.
Holy Week
- Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, April 13. Palm Sunday Worship is at 10 am.
- We remember Jesus’s last meal with his disciples, his betrayal and arrest on Maundy Thursday, April 17 at 7 pm.
- Our Good Friday (April 18) Service is at 10 am, our Easter Sunday (April 20) Service is also at 10 am.
We will also join with other local churches in an Easter Sunrise service at the Fishermen’s Memorial at Garry Point Park. This year’s Sunrise Service will be at 6:10 am (sunrise), so dress warmly. It will be hosted by South Arm United Church. Following the service they invite us for a light breakfast to their hall.